Thursday, November 19, 2009

To smart phone... or not to smart phone...

Recently I have been plagued with this question. My upgrade time is coming around and the smart phone route just seems like the right choice. But can my activities justify the cost? So far the cheapest smart phone I have found (that I like) is the Droid Eris by HTC. $99.99 That's just the phone. The data plan to run it would probably be around $30 a month. (That brings the first year of owning this phone to a grand total of $459.99) That's a lot of Taco Bell runs.

So readers may be asking why I would still be considering such an investment after looking at the numbers? The answer, to be honest, is rather selfish and pathetic. The idea of being able to update my facebook statues on the go, navigate a busy city, or check the latest news brings out the nerd deep inside me. I'm a techie geek at heart, it's a part of my being. Having a gadget such as this just seems exciting.

So I am at war with myself.

The nerd vs. the calculated.

I don't have an answer yet. But if you ever read a blog posted from my new phone in January, you will know who has won.


  1. The Motorola Droid also looks quite promising. It has the newer Android OS, which is apparently much better than the older version. I'm surprised that the data plans from Verizon are so expensive, though.

  2. Yeah, the data plan is really the only thing holding me back. That and the constant question of "do I really need facebook 24/7?" LOL The Motorola Droid is sweet. My friend has it. But more expensive, bigger, and heavier.

  3. Another option would be to get the enV Touch which isn't quite a smart phone but has many features like one. The browser, while not being the best, can do facebook and Youtube videos play pretty well. Since its not a smart phone, you can get an unlimited data plan for $15/month.

  4. Interesting. I may have to look into that. It would be much cheaper to own for sure.
